The Biblical Truth

Episode 29 - Forgiveness that takes you from prison to the palace

Pastor Atef & Raedah Saman Season 1 Episode 29

The story of Joseph is one of the amazing stories because he was a dedicated person to God and to his father and obeyed him. He lived a life of purity with the wife of Potiphar, and with that he was oppressed and he was imprisoned for years, but the grace of God triumphed and became apparent when Joseph went from prison to the palace. Today's biblical truth reveals to us and assures us with forgiveness, no matter how oppressed you are, God's reward awaits you. No matter how long it takes, because God is faithful and has sufficient grace for all of us. Joseph was wronged by his brothers and they threw him into the well and then sold him to the Ismailites, and they sold him to Potiphar. Joseph was wronged by Potiphar's wife, and he was imprisoned, when she accused him of adultery, but he did the opposite, as he escaped from sin so that he would not sin against God. Joseph was forgotten by the bartender and remained in prison for another two years. But when the time of heaven came, the bartender remembered Joseph and he interpreted Pharaoh's dream, so he became the second after Pharaoh, and he lived in the palace. Joseph was wronged and forgotten by the people, but the Lord knows all his affairs. If Joseph had gone out of prison 2 years before, he could have worked as a slave as he was, but Heaven’s plan was for him to be in the palace in order to be a cause of salvation for Jacob and his children in the time of famine. As in the Bible Genesis 41:57 “So all countries came to Joseph in Egypt to  buy  grain,  because the famine was severe in all lands.”. Let us pray: O Lord Jesus, even though I went through difficult circumstances and did not see solutions, I know that there is a blessing to solve all difficult and injustice. I need your grace to forgive everyone who has offended me or my family. You are sitting on the throne and your will be done. Thank you Lord for hearing me and responding to my prayers in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen and Amen